Dental Brain Privacy Policy

This document is an English translation of an original document in Japanese. If there is any discrepancy between this translation and the original document, the latter shall prevail legally

Dental Brain Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) recognizes that appropriately protecting the personal information collected in the course of our business activities is a significant social responsibility. We have established the following privacy policy and will adhere to it to protect personal information.

Effective Date: January 26, 2024

  1. Handling of Personal Information

(1) Purpose of Acquiring Personal Information

The Company will handle the personal information specified in (2) within the scope necessary to achieve the following purposes. The personal information will not be used for any other purposes.

  • Providing information about products and services.
  • Invitations to seminars related to products and services.
  • Requests for surveys on products and services.
  • Recruitment activities for employees.
  • Human resources, employment management, and welfare benefits for directors, employees (full-time, contract, advisory, temporary, seconded, dispatched employees), and retirees.

(2) Use of Personal Information

The Company may collect the following personal information: name, occupation (including company name/department/position), address, telephone number, and email address.

(3) Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

Except in the following cases, the Company will not provide personal information specified in (2) to external (third parties):

  • When the individual has given prior consent.
  • When outsourcing business operations within the scope necessary to achieve the use purpose.
  • When required by law.
  • When necessary to protect a person’s life, body, or property.
  • When cooperation with public institutions like police or courts is necessary.

(4) Procedures for Disclosure and Other Matters Concerning Personal Information

Upon a request for disclosure, correction (correction, addition, deletion), or suspension of use (suspension of use, erasure) of personal information related to the individual, the Company will respond after verifying the individual’s identity, unless doing so would significantly hinder the Company’s operations or potentially harm an individual’s rights and property. If we cannot meet the request, we will explain the reason to the individual.

  1. Security Measures for Personal Information

The Company implements organizational, technical, and personnel safety management measures as required by laws and regulations to ensure the accuracy and security of personal information, striving to prevent unauthorized access, loss, destruction, alteration, or leakage of personal information. When outsourcing work, we select contractors who handle personal information appropriately, stipulate necessary matters to ensure proper management at the contractor’s end, and enforce strict control. If an incident involving personal information occurs, we will respond promptly and appropriately with corrective and preventive measures.

  1. Compliance with Laws and Norms Related to Personal Information

The Company complies with laws, government guidelines, and other norms regarding the handling of personal information.

  1. Privacy System and Continuous Improvement

The Company has established and will maintain a management system for personal information, defining internal regulations for further protection and continuous review and improvement of personal information protection. If you have any opinions, complaints, or consultations regarding our handling of personal information, please contact the personal information inquiry contact provided below. Changes to this privacy policy will be promptly disclosed and announced through our website.

Personal Information Inquiry Contact:

For inquiries regarding personal information, please contact the following:

1F, 2F, 3F, Otemachi Building, Otemachi 1-6-1, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. 

Personal Information Inquiry Contact, Dental Brain Inc.


Dental Brain Inc. CEO, Junichi Watabiki